Created by Florence Fleming Noyes in the early 1900’s, Noyes Rhythm is a movement system that brings ease and strength to your body, while opening you up to great creativity in art and life. Many people, all ages, dancers and non-dancers, have come to Noyes Rhythm to relieve stiffness, tiredness, and loss of inspiration.
The work combines a system of physical techniques and improvisatory explorations, encouraging subtle internal awareness, all supported by live music. The techniques build core strength, release unwanted tension, and encourage coordination, alignment and balance.
Our movement always reflects the elements of nature. It is an organic approach that asks us to
feel the breath of the forest, the ripples of the water, the rolling gait of the bear. We can get beyond our physical limitations and move together in universal rhythms.
The Noyes system also affects our whole selves by inviting us ‘shed’ what we don’t need and find fresh resources for our spirit. Combining the grace and spontaneity of childhood with the clarity and discipline of maturity, Noyes Rhythm work connects us to the same strength that flows through all living things.
Here are two basic techniques to try, the caterpillar and forest breathing.
You are welcome to watch our informational video. (also above)